Kenya Film Commission launched the Kenya Film Commission/DeKUT Film, Animation and Gaming Hub at the Dedan Kimathi University of Technology in Nyeri on 21st May 2020. The event was graced by Mr. Joe Mucheru, Cabinet Secretary – Ministry of ICT, Innovation and Youth Affairs, His Excellency Mutahi Kahiga, Governor – Nyeri County Government, Dr Caroline Karugu – Deputy Governor, Nyeri County Government, Prof. R. Eng. P.N. Kioni – Vice Chancellor, Dedan Kimathi University of Technology as well as representatives from the State Department of Youth Affairs and Konza Technopolis Development Authority.
Kenya Film Commission signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), with Dedan Kimathi University of Technology with one of the deliverables being establishment of a film, animation and gaming hub, which was aimed at having the first film hub outside Nairobi. The hub will be open to students, staff, animators and other film professionals from across the country.
This is a great initiative by the Commission geared towards devolution of filmmaking activities in the counties and encouraging growth and creativity in content creation. It is an onset of many strategic partnership opportunities with the university and other key stakeholders in advancing the film industry in the country. The Film Hub will serve a crucial role in nurturing talent of the creatives in Nyeri County and its environs.
Mr. Timothy Owase,CEO Kenya Film Commission noted that “The launch of this film hub is one among the many stimulus packages the Commission has put in place to ensure film business in the country becomes vibrant and a rewarding venture as well as advancing the youth agenda in the country”. He also added that “Universities in Kenya are synonymous with academia, but today we are here to change this narrative. Our focus is to empower the students and aspiring filmmakers to have the requisite skills and techniques that will enable them have a smooth transition to the outside world and make significant contribution to the creative sector in the country. Universities in Kenya are synonymous with academia, but today we are here to change this narrative”.
Mr. Joe Mucheru, CS- Ministry of ICT, Innovation and Youth Affairs, announced that “following the directive by the President of the Republic of Kenya, H.E Uhuru Kenyatta; we have successfully launched the Sports and Arts Fund, which is a special kitty aimed at supporting the local filmmakers by cushioning them from the negative economic impact of COVID-19 and successfully actualized the film incentive which creates an enabling legal and institutional environment for all film industry stakeholders to conduct their business. This will effectively address key issues in the film industry; grow the local film industry whilst at the same time strengthen and encourage professionalism in the industry and attract international film investors’”.
It is in this regard, the Commission as a government agency mandated to develop the film industry in the country, is committed to expanding the opportunities for creatives in the country thus ensuring realization of momentous growth in the film industry.