Kenya Film Production Industry
Kenya’s Film and Television Production Industry boasts some of the most sophisticated post-production facilities and offers a pool of skilled technicians and crew. The industry has invested considerably in keeping the facilities up-to-date with the latest in film and television technology resulting in more foreign as well as domestic producers choosing to complete productions in Kenya.
Why carry manpower and equipment from your country or elsewhere? We pride ourselves as one of the cities in Africa with qualified manpower and up to dated equipment in the Film Industry. Through, the Kenya Film Commission one will be linked to professional arms that make up a filming crew and we guarantee your film needs are in great hands.
CREW & CAST The country has a large pool of skilled technicians and crew, available locally for most productions and post productions. While crew hire costs are increasing in Kenya, they are still low compared to other countries. Alongside technical and crew staff, other service staff such as accountants, lawyers, and doctors can be hired locally. With the increase of foreign productions taking place in Kenya, the local production industry is staying competitive with international production standards by investing in the latest technology, training and development.
Kenyan production companies offer full modern range equipment for both production and post-production needs. Sound and stage studios can be hired through several production and broadcast companies at varied rates. 16mm and 35mm cameras, Steadicam, Grip equipment and Red Camera packages are available for rental in Kenya, as is various under-water filming equipment. Various local audiovisual production companies and television broadcasters provide the rental of HD and BETA TM cameras, video assist equipment and other camera and audio ancillary equipment.
Kenya has a number of lighting suppliers and studios that are experienced in renting lighting equipment to audio-visual productions and have a broad product list, including an extensive generator supply. Certain specific lighting gears may not be available in Kenya and would have to be shipped from overseas. A number of cranes varying in dimensions are available for rent from service providers based in the county and with the additional option of larger cranes such as the Techno Crane 50 as well as more specialized equipment such as dollies and other key grip equipment are directly available for rent from Film production houses.
The Kenya’s film production companies also offer a number of key grip/sparks/gaffers with a great deal of experience. Specialized crew members can be provided both with the equipment as well to supplement the various departments in terms of crew members.
Facilities for post-production in Kenya are taking ground with a few post houses and broadcasters providing some services for broadcasting, film and corporate sectors. Such systems available deliver powerful and precise tools that work with virtually any format and assure an intuitive integration with all other applications that are considered as industry standard tools.
With post-production houses on the rise, Kenya is able to provide offline and online editing facilities to production companies looking to complete their productions. Be it Dailies/Rough cuts or Full production, over the past years, Film production companies have invested in various NLE (Non-Linear Editing) systems to accommodate any creative or technical need imaginable. Furthermore, through the use of colour correcting and VFX tools and the addition of music and sound studios in the country can offer a whole package.
Several specialized Visual Effects companies are available to offer their services in Kenya to Production Companies along with many highly skilled professionals who can be recruited onto productions. The growth in VFX in film productions has sparked an increase in the facilities offered here. These facilities allow film companies to bring expensive concepts to the screen within an affordable budget and provide the necessary expertise and knowledge to ensure that the Directors creative vision is easily achieved.
The various Film Service providers can provide props to help you create the on-screen image you are aiming for. Our props range from large carts and market stalls to smaller items such as cutlery and silverware. They specialize in period props to fit the different cultural styles and tastes but they also hold a vast amount of materials and furniture which could suit a film set in any time.