On 22nd September 2020, Kenya Film Commission signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Daystar University to establish a framework on areas of collaboration between the two organizations. The MOU was signed by the Commission’s CEO, Mr. Timothy Owase and Daystar’s Vice Chancellor, Prof. Laban Ayiro PhD, accompanied by the Legal Managers from the two institutions as well as KFC’s Management team and Daystar University’s Research team.
The areas of collaboration comprise: research and archiving of films, hosting national and international film festivals, cultivation of audience development through organizing film screening events and film clubs and encouraging the funding and construction of cinematic infrastructure for educational and entertainment purposes within the University.
The MOU also seeks to position the Commission and Daystar University as resource centres to local broadcasters, media, film and Communication Researchers and Scholars.
“Collaborations with institutions of Higher Learning such as Daystar University are designed to nurture talent at a young age and sensitize the students on the economic value of film as a business as early as possible”, notes the Commission CEO, Mr. Owase.
The session included a presentation from Daystar University on their research findings from their survey on The Extent of Kenyan Artists’ Knowledge and Practice of Rights. The survey sought to establish the challenges Kenyan artists go through and obtain recommendations and strategies that KFC can use to cushion them.
The Commission’s ongoing and upcoming activities were also highlighted as follows:
COVID-19 Stimulus Programme: 33 projects from 21 Counties were awarded Ksh 8.5 Million. The funds were disbursed in instalments of 60%; 20%; 20%. All the 33 Producers have already received the second instalment.
Film Empowerment Programme: 12 projects from 8 Counties were awarded Ksh 25 Million.
Audience Development: This Friday, the Commission will premiere the newest Kenyan film – URADI – at the Galleria Mall where movie-watching will be experienced afresh through the Drive-In Cinema concept. The Commission is working on screening more films in this way from County to County.
Content Acquisition for Distribution: The Commission acquired content from local film producers and companies for showcase on Kenya Broadcasting Corporation. The Content up for acquisition includes Film and TV Series. A Jury of experts is currently going through the submissions that include 57 feature films and 54 TV Series.
OSCARS: The Kenya Film Commission is officially recognized by the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences to set up an OSCARS Selection Committee from Industry Associations & Guilds to make submissions for the Best International Feature Film Award on behalf of the Kenyan filmmakers. the Committee can also submit a Documentary and Animation to compete for Best Documentary and Best Animation Feature Awards.
The call for submission closes on 27th October 2020.
Film Hubs: The Film and Animation Hub at Dedan Kimathi University of Technology is operational and already empowering aspiring filmmakers within Nyeri County. The Commission has signed M.O.U.s with Uriri Constituency (Migori County), Bomet County and Church of God East Africa – Kenya (Vihiga County) to host County Film Hubs.
Stakeholder Engagement Forums: The Commission is currently engaging with County Regional Blocs to sensitize leadership of the regions to the impact of filmmaking and to devolve the business of filmmaking to grassroot level. This includes sensitization of the economic impact of film to County Executive Committee Members (CECs) from the Frontier Counties Development Council (FCDC) and Lake Region Economic Bloc (LREB).
Engaging with Counties and Regional Blocs will aid in the facilitation of Capacity Development Programmes.
Kalasha International TV and Film Awards: The Call for submission is open for the 10th edition of the biggest celebration of screen talent in the region. The Call closes on 16th October 2020.