Shimoni is 80km south of Mombasa, near the border with Tanzania. Wasini Island is located a few kilometres away from Kisite Mpunguti marine National Park, adjacent to the Shimoni Peninsula. Dolphins escort boats as they make their way to Wasini island. This is an area of pristine beauty. Other attractions are the caves of Shimoni, Shimba Hills National Reserve in south Mombasa and Arabuko Sokoke Forest, North of Mombasa. The coast is simply irresistible, you must know this area. Coral reefs full of fish are a kaleidoscope of colors and like the Indian Ocean waters, blue as the sky. The scent of spices rent the air. One can also find the freshest seafood, coupled up with a deep history and rich culture. Arab and Portuguese forts, old towns, deserted ruins of Swahili, the southern beaches, the small coastal town of Kwale, the bustling docks of Mombasa, the ghostly ruins of Gedi, the tropical island of Lamu, where life is lived to its own pace, everything is a perfect mix. Average annual temperatures are 28 º c. The region is hot and humid. Storms are frequent. Mangroves and coconut trees grow along the banks and there are areas of tropical rainforest.
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Shimoni and Wasini Island